Oe (Vodafone Case Study)


‘’Vodafone case study’’


Planned Economies
It is an economic system in which the state or government manages the economy. In this type of economy the state or government controls manufacturing and formulates all decisions about their use and about the distribution of income. The planners decide what should be produced and direct companies to produce these goods. In Planned economies production, distribution, and pricing decisions are made by the private owners of the factors of production based upon their own and their customers' interests.

Market Economies
A free market is a place where prices and quantities of goods and services are arranged completely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers, determined generally by the supply and demand law of the price mechanism with no government interference in the regulation of costs, supply and demand, changing supply and demand or market prices.

Mixed Economies

In this economy   uses attributes from both a command economy and a market economy. Resources are distributed by both the public AND private sector. The public sector, gaining resources through taxation or the owning of land, distribute resources to supply the 'needs' that people 'shouldn't have to pay for'. The state is also responsible for regulating and Maintaining the private sector, to ensure fair competition and the integrity of the market.

Technological innovation will continue to be essential in the energy system for both economic and public policy reasons. The process of innovation is typically incremental, cumulative, and assimilative. Innovation may produce revolutionary outcomes through the accumulation of small steps, or because it introduces new performance characteristics that the market values. In some circumstances, public policy intervention to overcome obstacles to innovation may be justified to secure public benefits.
Innovation fuels economic growth in the...