Oklahoma's Obesity

Chance Dhalluin
Laurie Ward
English Comp 1
Oklahoma’s Obesity

America today is based on media and the people involved. The marketing of fast

food restaurants is constantly running through the average person’s mind. In Oklahoma,

many busy people usually choose to eat fast food, due to the amount of time on their

hands, instead of a healthier alternative. The problem is contributing to the demise of

health in Oklahoma.

With today’s busy society and America’s growing fast food marketing companies,

people eat more high calorie foods than ever before. Fast food companies spend an

estimated ten billion dollars marketing unhealthy food, drinks, and meals to children in

2010. Targeting the youth, indicates some reasons that people become unhealthy from

such a young age. Restaurant marketing is geared towards fatting foods opposed to

healthy meals. The companies seem to promote unhealthy foods more than healthier

alternatives. More people are eating fast food which usually has a higher amount of fat.

Oklahomans show a lack of willingness to choose healthy meals, which could be

responsible for rising obesity.

As fast food companies grow, so does Oklahoma’s rise in obesity. Popularity

contributes to a company's growth, which shows that more and more people are eating

unhealthy foods more often. An estimated 45% of Oklahoma’s food intake is from fast

foods in 2010, opposed to 2% in the 1980’s. The calorie intake, is one-sixth of the daily

food intake for the average Oklahoman. This showing that unhealthy food is becoming a

every day routine for the average person in Oklahoma. Current food and beverage

marketing puts the youth at risk for health issues. The consumption of unhealthy food is

corrupting Oklahoma’s youth. The growth of companies and unhealthy foods popularity

is proving to be the demise of Oklahoma’s health. Obesity in Oklahoma also consumes

many teens....