
The Olympics bring so many countries’ best athletes and bring out the best out of them. They also show how capable humans are of doing some very challenging and radical things and take some mergers to get to where they want to get. The world is able to see all of these events go down every four years. By looking at the history of the summer Olympics we can learn not only why they are important, but also what makes them such a compelling research Project base on the athletes who participate like Larysa Latynina who was an exceptional gymnast. She overcame many challenges like very few do to get to record breaking titles.
The summer Olympics first began in the year of 1896 in Greece. Pierre de Coubertin decided to organize the first summer Olympics in Greece because it was the birthplace of the Olympics. The exact location of the Olympics was at the Panathinaiko stadium which was the only Olympian stadium in existence during the 19th century. The cost of this event was 3740000 drachmas which is about $448,000 US. Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates who voted for the restoration of the Olympics. The people of Athens had to organize the summer Olympics by having King George do the opening which was extremely important to this event. Women weren’t allowed to compete at the time but one woman named Stamata Revithi ran regardless of what the committee believed.   Summer Olympics main goal was to promote physical education in participating countries because they wanted there people to be fit. Some problems that Olympic Games faced were political involvement because only the committee was allowed to decide on how the summer Olympics would be organized. Not even the athletes’ opinions were taken into consideration even though it was a bug to many still many athletes participated in this event. Through the decades Olympics have changed by athletes starting to use drugs during the 1900s to improve there ability to do better in their event. Also violence started in...