I confirm that I am currently meeting the requisites for E105 as set out in the pre-registration information for students and have a valid agreement with confirmer form.
For this tma, I have only used materials drawn from the setting identified on my employer permission agreement form. In this tma I have adhered to the E105 ethical guidelines by keeping all children and practitioners anonymous and by asking all parents involved permission to observe their children.
My investigation is all about imaginative play in my setting as a childminder. My key question for my investigation is “How can I develop imagination play everyday in my setting?” I chose to investigate imaginative play in my setting because I am a childminder and work in my home. It is impossible for me to put a home corner in my setting every day. This is because of lack of space in my living room and we have to tidy away toys to play with other toys the children want out. My question arose “from a desire to enhance children's environments for learning and development”.(E105,Block 3). My role as a childminder, I will use “the three-layer model of professional practice” to show how much I do as a practitioner on a daily basis (E105, Block 1). I chose to observe my key children I look after in my setting. When I began this investigation to my key question, I thought my setting offered lots of imagination play. During this investigation, I will be analysing my practice through the observation I have carried out. I will be looking at my changes to any values and beliefs I had, and if I need to change anything in my setting following my investigation. In my conclusion I should be answering my key question. I participated in my tutor group forum Hats on activity to discuss different approaches to children's play, learning and development. This will be discussed in my investigation.
250 words
Section 1: Analysing your practice
I began my...