Othello - Critical Analysis


William Shakespeare's 'Othello' demonstrates that an interpretation of 'Othello' can be affected by studies of critical theories. Critical theories in the play mainly explore gender differences and racial tensions, through particular themes and language techniques.   Othello's,   different ethnic background provides a stable platform for probing ideas of racial conflict and the construction of well-developed yet opposing female characters adds to the feminists views of conflict within genders. These seemingly separate themes add greatly to to prejudgement and construction of stereotypes within 'Othello', significantly affecting the ways in which the tragedy can be interpreted.

Othello serves as an example of the women, demonstrating the expectations of the Elizabethan society, dealing with the suppression of femininity, in that a feminist analysis also changes the way in which 'Othello' can be interpreted. In Elizabethan society, women in their greatest perfection were made to serve men, as their single occupation. Marriage held great significance and heavy responsibilities of house management and child upbringing. These patriarchal expectations of this time are presented through 'Othello' and its women characters. 'Othello' includes three female characters - Emilia, Desdemona and Bianca.
Characterization has a significant affect in guiding our interpretation though the characters personalities and how Shakespeare has chosen to convey them to his audience, especially impacting a change in our view of females within a society. After official permission if given for Desdemona to accompany Othello to Cyprus, following the hearing of Brabantio's complaint, Othello conveys to the duke, that he "assigns his wife" and implies Desdemona as his wife, is his possession. This supports the expectation of women of this time; women were forced into silence and obedient behavior   around their male figures. It is lated stated by the first senator that othello must...