Path-Goal Theory of Jeanne Lewis of Staples
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Path-Goal Theory and the Jeanne Lewis Case Study
Western Governor University
Professor: Larry Wright
Path-Goal Theory developed by Robert House is based on the expectancy theory of
motivation. Motivation to exert influence increases as one’s performance improves. A
leader’s behavior is said to be motivating or satisfying to the extent that the behavior
increases the follower’s goal attainment ,clarifies the paths to the goal attainment and
removes obstacles to performance. However, whether leadership behavior can do so
effectively also depends on situational factors.
This Theory is called Path-Goal because it’s concern is how the leader influences the
follower’s perception of their work goal, personal goals and the paths to attaining these
goals. In addition a leader’s behavior is predicted to be motivational to the extent of
the following:
Provides the guidance and support needed by employees.
Rewards are tied to meaningful rewards for accomplishing a goal.
According to Robert House there are four types of leadership in the Path-Goal
Theory depending on the situation:
Directive Leadership: In directive leadership the leader lets the followers know what
Path-Goal Theory and the Jeanne Lewis Case Study Page 2
what is expected of them and tells them how to perform their tasks. This style is
appropriate when the follower has an uncertain job. The style is characterized...