Paulo Freiere Responce Pedagogy of the Oppressed

The viewing of reality is singular and multiple in nature, where as it can be viewed for either side from many different angles by which our definitions of the world can be drastically different. Most overall views of reality form to the banking-concepts definitions of reality where a fact is a fact and cannot be questioned thereby were reinforcing the oppressive nature of this dehumanizing method of education. Alternatively there is another way of viewing the world as a place to reinvent one’s self, one’s view of reality, and one’s overall concept of other’s realities. Know as the problem-solving method posed by Paulo Freire in his well argued Pedagogy of The Oppressed, in which he states: “Any situation in which some individuals prevent others from engaging in the process of inquiry is one of violence.” This violence is the basis for the banking-concept’s pillars of enslavement that use themselves to asphyxiate the human soul and makes us all less human. Some will agree completely against Freire's ideas, these “mammals” are working for the interest of the oppressors and their agenda in making us a more docile and controllable species. Then there are in contrast those whom will agree that there needs to be a huge change in the way we educate the future generations of humans to be more critical of the world and its educators to better grasp the foundations for a forward momentum of social thinking, human consciousness, and the awareness of the collective worldly consciousness.
Being toward Freire’s liberation problem solving method pits my personal feelings against those of the banking concept. The banking-concept, when presented by the well intentioned “absolutely” justified bank-clerk educator to the “absolutely” ignorant student, poses that reality is motionless, stagnant in its static existence, and makes its way predictably through a compartmentalized field of so called “collective consciousness” that this concept tries to rob from the human beings it seeks...