
Many people know what a personal legend is and some may have been able to achieve their own. But in the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho a shepherd named Santiago discovers his own personal legend under a sycamore tree by an abandoned church. He dreams that he finds a treasure in the pyramid in Egypt. Many people help Santiago achieve his personal legend as well as they teach him many things along the way.

The Crystal merchant is one of the characters that helped Santiago. He helped Santiago by helping him earn back the money that was stolen from him. The money was stolen from Santiago by a young boy in Northern Africa. This occurred just after Santiago had arrived in Northern Africa. Another person who helps Santiago in his quest is the English man. He helped Santiago understand new ideas and was very knowledgeable as well. The final character that helped Santiago on his journey was the alchemist. The alchemist helped Santiago understand what would happen to him if he did not continue to follow his personal legend. In The Alchemist Santiago learns more about his new surroundings. This helps him to be able to better follow his personal legend. But as he learns these things he also learns and adapts to them. The crystal merchant was one of the important characters who helped Santiago on his journey to achieve his personal legend. The crystal merchant did not teach Santiago much but the things he did teach him were very important. When Santiago first met the crystal merchant he was told that the pyramids would take a long time to arrive at and even if he worked for him for a year he would not have enough money to get there. This made Santiago frustrated and turn away from his personal legend. So Santiago concentrated on earning some more money to go back to Spain and become a shepherd again. When Santiago finally earned enough money to go back to Spain and double his flock he told the crystal merchant that he was leaving. The crystal merchant replied “I am...