[517] Lead person-centred practice (HSCM1) (Progress 50%)
[517.1] Understand the theory and principles that underpin person-centred practice
1.1 Explain person-centred practice
Person centred care practices involves commissioning, providing and oraganising services to meet service users needs, wishes and prefrences to help them live how they choose. This type of service delivery is designed around what is important to the service users from their own perspective, person centred practice is treatment and care provided by staff that places the person at the center of their own care and considers the needs of the individual including:
* The persons perspective is litenend to and honoured.
* Individuals have a role in planning the support they receive
* Staff are matched with service users based on skill and common interest.
Person centred care practices also involves:
* Getting to know the service user as a person.
* Sharing of power and responsibility
* Staff being flexable and accessable
* Suitable enviroments
* Team work
1.2 Critically review approaches to person-centred practice
There are several differednt types of person centred planning that can assist individuals to achieve their goals. They all start with who the person is and end with specific actions to be taken. These differ in the way information is gathered whether the emphasis is on day to day care or longer term plans for the future.
Planning styles could include
* Essential living plan- details how someone wants to live, what is important to them, how best to support them, this type of person centred care planning can be added to over time with goals set and reviewed with what worked well and areas more support is required.
* PATH – ( planning alternative tommorrows with hope) a tool used to get individuals to set short and long term goals.
* MAPS ( making action plans) a tool that can be used to build shared...