Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy as a Therapeutic Approach

Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy as a Therapeutic Approach

  1. Introduction
The Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy was initiated by Dr Natalie Rogers; the daughter of ‘the most influential psychologist in American history’ (, Carl Rogers. Person-Centered expressive Arts Therapy is an expanding field which incorporates using the expressive arts; dancing, art, music, journal writing etc. to promote emotional healing, resolve inner conflict and to awaken individual creativity ( Herewith follows a brief description of the Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy as a Therapeutic Approach with reference to the Person-Centered approach, Principles of Expressive Arts Therapy, the Role of the Therapist and the most important aspect of the entire approach; the Client. There will also be a reflection of how this approach has contributed to my self-understanding and how this approach can be utilized in the organisation where I’m currently doing my volunteer work.

  2. Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy and Person-Centered Therapy
Person-Centered Therapy developed by Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987) is based on theories of Humanistic Psychology and recognises that every individual has within him or herself immense resources for self-understanding; to change his or her self-concept, attitude, and self-directed behaviour ( It views the client’s core as trustworthy, pure and positive. The therapist must provide the right environment where personal growth can take place and trust the client’s ability to grow positively in a productive way by means of above mentioned traits.

Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy is based on the Person-Centered Approach of individual and group processes and therefore resembles the same traits and characteristics. The following Key Concepts are evident in both approaches: the role of the therapist; congruence, unconditional positive...