An individual’s personality can be as unique as his or her fingerprint. When defining a personality trait or quality, it is important to understand what personality is and what it defines. According to the text, personality is not easily identifiable, but it can be recognized as “a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior” (Feist & Feist, G. 2009). Personality is important to many in our society; people are attracted to one another because of personality traits. Many people believe that a good personality can mean different effects for different people. Human beings have different values and can be attracted to different personality traits such as humor or a quite nature. Different personality features can be considered personality traits as well. Some definition of personality traits would be
1. Habitual patterns and qualities of behavior of any individual as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes; distinctive individual qualities of a person, considered collectively
2. The complex of qualities and characteristics seen as being distinctive to a group, nation, place, etc.
3. The sum of such qualities seen as being capable of making, or likely to make, a favorable impression on other people
4. Informal personal attractiveness; engaging manner or qualities
(YourDictionary, 2010).
The human personality can take on many outlines. A human beings personality can affect the way one speaks, walks, or the way we operate a vehicle. The human’s nervous system and brain can generate particular behaviors, which can be very difficult to follow. To understand an individuals brain patterns can prove to be quite...