“Iran will deliver a telling blow to global powers.” This chilling quote comes from Iran’s current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has made previous threats before to many nations, including the United States and Israel. According to his threats, Ahmadinejad wants to send this “telling blow” on February 11, 2010 (Beck). Iran is a clear danger to the entire world. Any nation that threatens to destroy other nations without just cause should be seen as a terrible threat to everyone. This danger is clearly intensified when one takes into account Iran’s constant search for nuclear weapons. Iran is attempting to create the weapons in order to gain control over other nations. If it does, it would not be afraid to use them to get what the people of the nation want. The nation of Iran should not have the right to create nuclear weapons because a corrupt nation who is not afraid to destroy millions of people should not have to power to take innocent lives in order to gain power Does a nation who has made constant threats of violence to other nations have the right to create and own nuclear weapons? The only answer to this question can be no, because a corrupt nation who is not afraid to destroy millions of people should not be given the power to do just that. Iran should not have to right to pursue nuclear technology because the United Nations are already against giving nations access to nuclear weapons, it is considered to be an unstable nation with many enemies, and because it makes deals with terrorist organizations which could lead to further unnecessary destruction.
The world knows for a fact that nuclear weapons are incredibly dangerous and deadly. They have only been used once in the history of the world. This occurred in 1945, near the end of World War Two. The use of these nuclear weapons killed over 200,000 people in the first two months since detonation, and even more deaths followed afterwards (World War 2). Nuclear weapons can completely eradicate entire...