The U.S.A. Pharmaceutical Industry
Factor Conditions
Science education in the US
The US pharmaceutical industry is currently still booming ( ).The US Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that occupations in the pharmaceutical field should increase by 26% in the next decade which is 12% more than average growth rate for jobs in general economy ( ).
However, if the US wants to retain its worldwide leadership in science, it will require substantial new resources. Part of the problem is the shortage of skilled and dedicated teachers of math and science (Altschuld, 2003).
For people who are interested in career in R&D of drugs, pharmaceutical marketing or drug regulations, there are a wide range of Bachelor and Master’s Programs in the US. With those degrees, graduates may find employment with governmental departments, such as Food and Drug Administration, clinical trial agencies, or in research laboratories. According to Salary Wizard, a graduate who continues on to graduate school and eventually teaches in a post-secondary institution could earn 85,000$ to 165,000$ a year ( ).
In spite all the incentives there is a decline in number of educated scientists in the USA ( ). Foreign graduate students and postdoctoral fellows have become the mainstay of US university research laboratories. From the late 1980’s through the mid 1990’s, government funding of university-based research was very tight and many laboratories were forced to scale back promising research programs or close entirely. Newly graduated PhDs had difficulties finding jobs. Many graduates abandoned science and decided on more financially rewarding jobs (Altschuld, p.637, 2003).
From the mid 1990’s after US scientific community efforts to increase research spending by the NIH, the US government doubled the NIH budget. The US government also generously increased support for...