Phase 1- Leadership, Management, and Ethics: Discussion Board 2


November 19, 2012

Task Type: Discussion Board 2  

Managerial vs. Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
Management and Leadership are unique in their own separate ways, but they also tend to complement each other as well, because in order for any business to be successful you need to have them both.   Without this role in place an organization, even one like ECG will fail, because in this day and time organizations have to adjust to all the changes in such a “turbulent economic times” (Nahavandi , 2003), so much so that it has prompted more research into management and leadership roles and responsibilities in order for organizations to meet the challenges of the twenty first century.   That is where the real work begins, which is getting management and leadership to all balance out in their roles and responsibilities.

Organizations need to be able to grasp their roles and responsibilities, and one way they can do that is to first define them. The first definition is for management, which is defined as “individuals that accept responsibilities to run an organization” (voices) at all times, and the second definition is for leadership, which is “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (Northouse's, 2007, p3),
The first thing that an organization needs to do is to decide what management will need to have in place in order to run a successful business. Here are a few things they can mandate and focus on, which are:  
1. Have their mind on the bottom line always.
2. Being able to meet the challenges for getting people motivated about their task at hand.
3. Stepping up to the plate and being the head coach with encouragement
4. Planning and organizing resources
5. Controlling, or coordinating
Then as for Leadership, some of these ideas need to be in place, in order to help lead a company forward and those steps are as follows: