
College of Computer Training (CCT)

Assignment Cover Page

Business Environment

Module Title:

Unit 1

Module Code:

The behaviour of organisations

Assignment Title:

Marc Gallagher

Lecturer Name:

Perez Claudia

Student Name:


Student No.:

18h Mayl 2014 @ 23.55 through Moodle

Assignment Due Date:

Academic Year: Year 1   Year 2             Year 3



I, the above named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment to be submitted, to CCT, I have not plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been submitted for assessment.









CCT College of Computer Training
Business Environment
Assignment 3
The Behaviour of organisations

Prepared By:
Claudia Perez 2013223

Prepared for:
Marc Gallagher
Submission date:
18th   May 2014   @ 23.55 through Moodle


1.Introduction A.C.3.1 Analyse how the market mechanism and market structure influence your organisation’s pricing and output decisions. | 4 |
A.C.3.2. Analyse the organisation and its industry using Porter’s two...