PGCE In Integrative/Transpersonal Supervision: Philosophy Of Supervision
Following seven years of client work as a therapist, five spent working full-time within organisations, I have a felt sense that discovering and developing the clinical supervisor configuration within my self structure seems a natural evolutionary stage for me on my journey. A recent collision of personal catastrophe and great professional responsibility within a compromised system has brought me, not unsurprisingly to the transpersonal oasis which forms a weighty part of this course and a new dimension of possibilities for supervisory practice. And I believe I know now to be mindful of a containing frame or structure in which to offer supervision/therapy – Shohet and Hawkins seven eyed model is referenced throughout – for the sake and safety of all systems and individuals involved. While my model as a therapist to date has seen an intricate weaving together of existential/relational/person-centred strands into a humanistic tapestry that has oft been touched by spirit, I only now feel transpersonally limber enough to really let it in. I am no longer, as it were, so blind in my eighth eye. The main body of this work will seek to illustrate how I believe my model can be adapted coherently for the supervisor/supervisee relationship and sit comfortably within the many layers of the 8-eyed model for as Shohet and Hawkins warn ‘...the supervisor cannot afford to act as if the client-supervisee-supervisor threesome exists on an island without a context’ (Hawkins & Shohet, 2006 p.84)
In terms of the relational dynamic, it may come as little surprise that I see Roger’s core conditions as securing relational bedrock. Shame is a common manifestation for many supervisees and, transferential/counter-transferential potential aside, the successful and robust implementation of empathic, relational depth, unconditional positive regard (which need not negate the possibility of appraisal and tough...