Playwork 3.9


Task 1: Learning Outcome 1: Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

Explain the innate drive for children and young people to play
Children use play as a way of exploring their world. For them, it is a way of testing their senses - physical and emotional - both alone and with their peers. Play helps children to process their perceptions of and reactions to the world around them.

Analyse how play is necessary for all children and young people’s development and well being
As play is a method by which children interact with the world, a lack of opportunity to play might hamper a child or young person's physical, emotional and social development.

Explain what is meant by play being a biological, psychological, sociological necessity
Play is necessary for three primary reasons.
  * Biological. Physical play helps bodies to become stronger, fitter and healthier.
  * Psychological. Play helps to grow the mind. It affords the opportunity to try different approaches to activities in a safe environment, which aids psychological development.
  * Sociological. Play allows for human interaction, which helps the player to develop their understanding of how to operate within their societal group.

Therefore, play is a necessity, as, without it, children may be lacking the opportunity to:
  * grow their understanding of how to interact with others
  * be physically healthier through physical activity
  * react appropriately and realistically to changing situations
  * experience and develop the fantastic opportunities to which their creativity may lead them
Task 2: Learning Outcome 2: Assessment Criteria 2.1 and 2.2.
Evaluate the importance of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to play provision
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the most complete and widely-ratified international document detailing the rights of the child. Play is mentioned specifically in Article 31.1, which...