1. Social Services:
1. Liaising with social services will improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families. They can help with information regarding courses, new policies and procedures, ensuring your minimum standards are up to date they can also assist parents, they can help with problems you may have in the work place either with staff or children.
2. Teachers:
Liaising with teachers gathers information regarding early closures, school holidays which is ideal so you can beware of these and can offer childcare facilities in advance and can plan around certain events, also it is important as you can then communicate with them about the children if need to speak to parents and the child’s wellbeing.
3. Paediatrician
Play workers my need to liaise with paediatricians as their or families who find out their child has an impairment or disability very early and need additional needs and support, they can also offer advice, information and support about any medical condition a child has. Usually a paediatrician are the ones who refers the child to any other specialists they need to see. A paediatrician is a doctor who specialises in working with babies and children. They are the first point of contact for families who find out their child has an impairment or disability.
2.2 An explanation of the importance of agreeing respective roles, responsibilities and boundaries with other professionals.
It is important to maintain relationships with professionals and colleagues this will help the team to work effectively, making sure you carry out your duties and responsibilities as agreed within your contract, respect the roles and responsibilities of others and hand over situations to them when appropriate e.g. arranging outdoor trips, who provides transport, insurance, equipment needed, first aiders. Address any duties and responsibilities which you are unsure about as soon as possible, communicate clearly with...