Police Use of Force

Police Use of Force

Community background issues have gained a substantial amount of attention, concerning the community crime levels by referring to the police force. Preceding research predominantly observed the relations at the police district level and at the city level. The present analysis aimed to investigate the relations at a lower level of the geographic collection. Methods using the Geographic Information System, are currently studying four outspread zones around each of the use of force incident locations to measure the impact that it has on the community violent criminal activities at the PC levels of the police use of force. In addition to, classification direct shows off using community crime rates within police command areas allows for a comparison study to measure the impact of community criminal activities at the trouble levels on police use of force. Results are the current study’s found that community crime levels have a significant and positive effect of increasing the level of police force used at the PC levels. However, the current study also supports the work of police officers use of force, concluding that more training and supervision are required for officers working in high crime areas. Therefore, examining the impact of community violence on levels of police force.

Unfortunately, many modern police officers and their leaders appear to have lost view of the fundamental truth. In recent news and social media outlets it has been debated on the use of excessive force by the police officers. However, the issues are not new and has led to numerous court decisions at both state and federal levels. In deciding these cases, the courts have applied the reasonable standard to determine whether a police officer’s use of force is excessive, and therefore, a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The reasonable standard of the objectives is; the facts of each case are analyzed to determine...