
Asthma policy

      I am willing to care for a child who has asthma. I recognise that asthma is an important condition that affects many children.
I will:
encourage and help children with asthma to participate fully in activities
ensure children have immediate access to reliever inhalers
ensure the environment is favourable to children with asthma
ensure that other children in my care understand that asthma can be serious
ensure that I know what to do if a child has an asthma attack to protect the child’s welfare in the event of an emergency
work with parents of children with asthma to ensure that their children are in a safe and caring environment
I will ask parents to tell me about their child’s asthma symptoms.
Discuss how to recognise when their symptoms are getting worse and how to help them take their reliever medicine.
I will record this information on the child’s personal record form.

I ask all parents/carers to provide an inhaler to keep at my house, in case the child forgets to bring it back with them.
I will always inform parents/carers if their child has experienced an asthma attack this will be recorded on a medicine form and signed at the end of the day.
I need parents to:
Provide written information detailing:
What asthma medicines the child takes and when
What triggers the child’s asthma and what to do if the child’s asthma gets worse
Emergency contact details
I will ensure any spare medicines stored by me are labelled and have not passed their expiry date.
(Please also refer to medicine policy)
Created:July 2013