South Africa is reputed to presently have one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world with approximately 5,7 million South Africans infected.Of those there are an estimated 280,000 children aged 0-14 living with HIV and approximately 1.4million children aged 0-17 who have been orphaned by AIDS(UNAIDS,2008)
Our School shall strive to protect the safety and health of children and youth in our care, as well as their families, our employees, and the general public. Staff members shall cooperate with public health authorities to promote these goals.
The evidence is overwhelming that the risk of transmitting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is extremely low in school settings when current guidelines are followed. The presence of people living with HIV infection or diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) poses no significant risk to others in school, day care, or school athletic settings.
Universal precautions
Normal teaching and learning activities do not place anyone at risk for HIV infection, but accidents and injuries at school can produce situations where students or staff might be exposed to another person’s body fluids. Because very often people do not know they are infected with HIV, and as it is not possible to tell someone is infected by the way he or she looks, school personnel should apply “universal precautions” to every person and every body fluid in every situation.
Universal infection-control precautions are practices that schools, like other organizations, need to follow to prevent a variety of diseases. Precautions should include policies on caring for wounds, cleaning-up blood spills and disposing of medical supplies.
While these precautions are valuable in preventing certain diseases, such as flu, chicken pox or ear infections, schools must recognize that HIV is more difficult to transmit. HIV and other sexually transmitted infections are not transmitted by casual contact, such as shaking...