* The Policy Process: Part I
* The challenge to maintain and improve health care today is an everyday job for government and state officials. Health care professionals around the world work in servitude to ensure the well being of others and maintain a systematic way of providing these needs. These officials are in constant preparation and negotiation of improvement policies for a more effective health care system. The decision to incorporate, revise, and sometimes remove these policies are vitally important to the American people, therefore cannot be taken lightly. The three stages of the process of a topic becoming a policy will be discussed: formulation, legislative, and implementation.
* One must realize the importance of understanding the process of how a topic eventually becomes a policy. A political process must be undergone to make a topic a policy. The idea, or the brainstorming effect, is the initial onset of beginning this process. Once the topic in evident, administration begins the routine sorting of advantages and disadvantages. In the problematic world today, more problems are evident than any organization can handle. Many of the issues today never make it to the political surface.
* Formulation
* Upon arriving at the recognition of becoming a topic, formulation can begin. If knowing is half the battle, the battle has begun. At this point, policy makers begin to concoct solutions. Numerous and inherent solutions come into play early in the process. Education and cultivation is vital at this stage. Policy makers can present it in a way of educating, funding, taxing, regulating, or simply not acknowledging. A variety of these tactics have proven to work effectively. The importance relies upon finding balance and structure. For example, simply cutting out products proven unhealthy is typically impossible....