What are political parties and pressure group? Do they play a part in democracy in a country? A political party is a political group that typically seeks to control government policy, usually by nominating their own candidates and tiresome to seat them in political office. Parties contribute in electoral campaigns, educational outreach or protest actions. Parties regularly espouse an expressed ideology or vision bolstered by a written platform with precise goals, forming a coalition among disparate interests.
A pressure group is perceived as structured group that seeks to pressure government on their legislation or policy but does not vote candidates for election. Pressure groups are important part of a strong democratic nation (Strike 2001). Indeed the unrelenting and rapid expansion of pressure group activity and contribution in the political process is often looked as a sign of growing political association among many thousands of people. The purpose of pressure groups is to make the people in power to make decision which will ogre well the pressure groups depending on pressure groups main purpose for their being. Pressure groups are not after authority of political office, but try to influence decisions made by people who hold this political power (Dunn 2002). In present Pressure groups plays an important role in policies made between the the main elections. In some instances pressure groups are able to have sufficient support and supporters to, which help in forcing the government to write off or make changes in legislation. However, pressure group includes churches and Charities, businesses and trade associations, trade unions and professional associations. Think tanks of various complexions, and so forth. Although some pressure groups were set up for the specific purpose of influencing government,...