Politics in Rushdie

The Massachusetts Review, Inc.

The Politics of Post-Colonial Identity in Salman Rushdie Author(s): Anuradha Dingwaney Needham Reviewed work(s): Source: The Massachusetts Review, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Winter, 1988/1989), pp. 609-624 Published by: The Massachusetts Review, Inc. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25090032 . Accessed: 28/12/2011 09:33
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Politics of Post-Colonial in Salman Rushdie Dingwaney
and its genealogical
Most scars of


holding their past tion

offsprings, there is thus a
writers as of bear instiga the past and re

and within

crossing-over. them?as practices, a future,

the post-colonial

for different towards

of humiliating wounds, as potentially revised visions as urgently re-interpretable


in which the formerly silent native speaks deployable experiences and acts on territory taken back from the colonialist. (54-55)
?Edward W. Said, ''Intellectuals in the Post-Colonial World"

THIS ESSAY FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE devoted to South-Asian on a I would like to begin by reflecting expatriate experience, IN context that should, and often does, inform this expe particular rience in the U.S. and U.K. This context?that of a shared colonial concern with defining forth as the expatriate's her/his past?issues I and for...