
Reducing Pollution in the Air Could Reduce Water Pollution
  * If people were to drive less, there would be less nitrogen in the air. Nitrogen deposition causes a large amount of nutrient pollution in lakes and rivers.
Changes to Agricultural Practices Could Provide a Solution
  * Nutrient and pesticide water pollution solutions involve introducing greener agricultural practices such as no-till planting, biodynamic farming and utilization of a settling pond to reduce the amount of run-off that enters ground water.

Wetlands Provide a Natural Solution to Water Pollution
  * Re-establishing wetlands and preventing the destruction of those that still exist would reduce the amount of water pollution as they serve as buffer surges in run-off and filter the pollutants from lakes and rivers.
Improvements to Sewage Treatment Systems Would Reduce Pollution
  * Many water treatment plants are out-dated and need to be improved to stop the system's pipes from leaking further pollution into the water system.
Water Conservation Limits Water Pollution
  * By conserving water and limiting the pressure on septic systems, the possibility of waste entering natural waters is greatly reduced.
Deforestation Makes Solving the Issue More Difficult
  * Forests act like sponges, soaking up rain water and holding onto it until it has been filtered through them. This prevents runoff from occurring. Clean water then travels into nearby streams, rivers and lakes.
Nonpoint Source Pollution Is a Major Problem
  * Despite the advances the United States has made in water pollution solutions since the 1980s, not enough has been done to control nonpoint, or diffuse, water pollution sources--when rain, snow melt or similar run-off travels over or through the ground, picking up pollutants and depositing them in lakes, rivers and oceans. According to the EPA, 40 percent of surveyed rivers, lakes and estuaries were not clean enough for fishing or swimming in 2009.
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