Memphis is a city in the southwestern corner of the U. S. State of Tennessee, and the county seat of Shelby County. The city is located on the 4th Chickasaw Bluff, south of confluence of the Wolf River. And the Mississippi River. Nickname “Barbeque Pork Capital of the World”. Nearby cites of Germantown, Bartlett, and Collierville. A.C. Wharton mayor, city attorney Herman Morris, with Thomas E. Long Sr., City Court Clerk.
The size and density; 324 sq. miles (839.2 km2). People per square mile 2,053.3 with 33.4 housing units per square mile. Housing units estimate of 296,840 with a margin of error +/-3,327. Household units 2.60 person per unit, median value of $99,000. Population estimate of (2012) 655,155 with a unemployment rate of 11.0% (July 2013). Surrounding area Nashville, Chattanooga and Knoxville. Persons below poverty level, data from 2007-2011, 26.0%. Population mixture of 52.5% female, Whites 29.4, Africian American or Blacks 63.3%, Asian 1.6%, and American Indians 0.2%. Median household income $34,960. Person under the age of 5, 7.6% percent 2010, under 65 and over 10.3%. Persons below poverty level from data from (2007-2011) 26.0%. Language spoken 93-99% English, 5.4% Spanish, 0.6% other. Children living in proverty 31%, children in single parent households 51%.
Prominent topographical historic preservation neighborhoods zones are, top three being; Central Garden, Evergreen, and South Main District.The top five colleges: Rhodes College, Chrisitian Brothers, University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Southwest. Educated High School grad. 77.6%.
Shopping facilities Sears, Walmart, Lowes, and Walgreen and many more. Fast food restaurants 54%, limited access to recreational facilities. Mammography screening 62%, MVA death. One third of the adults in Shelby County are obese according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2010 Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance...