Positive Behaviour

1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice.
As within every job role we are regulated by policies and procedures of that setting and government legislation. Within my setting the staff are trained in mandatory courses that cover all relevant legislation such as safeguarding ensuring that the staff understands the legal policies in place to provide best care for the young people who they support.   Within my setting staff are also trained in SCIP which focuses on behaviour that challenges and how proactive strategies can be put in place to deescalate a situation and how reactive strategies may need to be used and ensuring they are used in the correct way to reduce any risk of harm to the children and young people. This is an effective training course as it ensures staff to be consistent in their approach to challenging behaviour. Within my role along with other staff I am also responsible for recording and logging any incidents of challenging behaviour this will include any reactive strategies used and what first aid may have been required, I will then have to ensure the parent or carer is informed either verbally or by showing them the form and obtaining the parent or carers signature. Finally the centre is inspected by OFSTED who will check that the centre is following the correct care standards and encouraging positive behaviour.
1.2 Define what is meant by restrictive interventions
Restrictive interventions are where physical contact is used to `control freedom of movement from a person including chemical and mechanical restraint and seclusion.
1.3 Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used
Restraints can be used when there is a risk to someone’s health and well-being. A risk may include harm that will be inflicted on another child, member of staff or the public or harm to them self. Another time restraints can be used is...