Pospad Leads the Way


Unizul as an institution steeped in tradition, culture and history, provides the didactic needs of students drawn from throughout the Africa continent. Alumni passing through this haloed sanctum have spawned leaders in politics, law, education, science and the health disciplines.

Unizul is facing challenges from varying quarters vis-à-vis competition from fraternal state universities to attract students; funding from the national department of higher education and a high turnover of experienced academics - this begs the question: what does it take to construct an enabling environment to produce graduates to meet the future challenges?

Student enrolment over the past two years has increased exponentially yet this excellent institutional growth poses serious capacitorial challenges as this unnatural state places strain on existing scarce resources. The introduction of eLearning and other teaching methodology has impacted positively on teaching and the overall results of students at universities throughout the world.

Hence, Unizul’s Senate Resolution on e-Learning was adopted in September 2009.

The traditional ‘classroom’ at Unizul is currently not a conducive teaching environment. To test the efficacy of the eLearning process, students (from 1st year to 3rd) were engaged to ascertain educational impediments and to establish the level of basic Computer Literacy preparedness and their ability to adopt eLearning technology. Data collected identified several contributory factors: student malaise; absenteeism; delays by students in getting to lecture venues; student inability to comprehend lectures; lack of research resources, indigent students unable to pay for photocopies, cost of textbooks and insufficient computer facilities, etc. – all being catalysts for failure.  

Open Source Software allows for customisation of individual websites on ‘Google’ at no cost to the University of Zululand.   Lecture notes were posted in pdf. format to...