This report will discuss the Pre-Birth to Three Curriculum and how it supports the principles and values of Early Education for children under 3 years old in Scotland.
The Curriculum in the early years is made up from all the different learning areas and experiences, events and activities, whether direct or indirect, which is fostered within an environment that is designed to help children learn and develop. It also offers different learning and assessment instructions and guidance, effective and flexible approaches to learning, observation and evaluation, the content, resources, rules and relationships all have a part in the Curriculum, all are interrelated and interlinked to develop skills and competencies in a flexible and child-centred environment.
The purpose of the curriculum at the early stage is to support children in all aspects of their emotional, social, physical and cognitive development. It will enable them to become increasingly independent, responsible and eager to participate in their own learning. Staff in pre-school education achieve this through their skilled interaction with each child and by providing stimulating contexts for active learning, building upon the child’s knowledge and skills and recognising their stage of development. They can build upon children’s enthusiasm, inventiveness and creativity to plan learning activities which combine to achieve this purpose.
Professional development and reflection is very important when working with children in the early years setting in Scotland. This helps to regularly keep skills updated and ensures children’s needs are being met, on a regular basis.
The Scottish Government has issued guidelines for adults working with children from pre-birth to three years, informing them of the four key principles which promote positive outcomes for young children and families. The four key principles are Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect. Nine features have been identified to...