• Introduction
Some schools add display to their Art and Design policy that seems to suggest that it is part of Art. Whilst Art is involved to some degree in display, display involves the whole curriculum and the complete school and all the staff. It is a clear statement that schools make about themselves and their environment and though aspects may well be taught within the Art curriculum, it should exist as a policy statement in its own right.
Also, in many schools, the Art Coordinator is not the display coordinator. Display has a discrete budget and clear outlines for standards and expectations.
Many policies begin with a quote that expresses the philosophy of the schools e.g.
‘ The way in which work and other material is displayed and arranged in a school is more than a matter of convenience: it is a reflection of the atmosphere and attitudes that prevail there.’
The Arts in School – Gulbenkian Report
• Aims and objectives
List here the aims of display within your school, they could be:
- to create a stimulating and quality environment
- to nurture pride in and respect for the school environment, the work produced and the children themselves
- to inform and share with others
- to celebrate achievement across all ability levels
- to illustrate standards
These need to be agreed by all the staff (teaching and non-teaching).
• Display Areas
Listed here should be the areas of the school with display boards and whose responsibility (either name or subject or KS or class, etc). Priority areas such as the entrance, main corridors and head’s office need careful consideration and listed as:-
Priority areas:- entrance – responsibility of……………
Headteachers Office – responsibility of ……………
Hall – responsibility of ……………………
Corridors – responsibility of ………….
Classrooms – responsibility of...