Principles of Safeguarding

Assignment 204
Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care
Task A
Ai) Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse.
Physical abuse
This is when a person is physically harmed such as being punched, kicked or pinched by someone who is responsible for their care.
Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse could be direct or indirect involvement in sexual activity without valid consent.
Emotional/psychological abuse
Emotional abuse can be the use of threats, humiliation, bullying and swearing at a person or any other form of mental cruelty which results in mental or physical distress.
Financial abuse
Illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s money or other valuables.
Institutional abuse
This could be the mistreatment of a person from a system of power. Institutional abuse also involves poor care practice and neglect to people in a group environment.
This is when a person harms or neglects themselves.
Neglect by others
This is where a person is neglected or denied their basic rights by those who are responsible for their care.
Aii) Identify signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse
Signs and symptoms of physical abuse
Cuts, scratches, bite marks, bruising, scalds and burns. The signs of physical abuse are often evident but can also be hidden by the abuser or victim.
Any unexplained injuries should always be fully investigated.
Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
Bruising in genital area the person may not want to be touched and they may be emotionally distressed.
Signs of emotional/psychological abuse
Compulsive behaviour the person may be overly anxious to please and may even lose skills and the ability to do things they were able to do before.
Signs and symptoms of financial abuse
Unexplained money withdrawals, lack of clothing or other personal possessions. The person may have UN explained paranoia.
Signs and symptoms of institutional abuse
Staff moral may be low and there may be...