Process Improvement Plan

Process Improvement Plan


The process improvement plan suggests a way to improve upon a process to eliminate wasted time. Getting to work on time is a valued because not doing so may cause termination of services. This is a plan to refine the structure of a process, as opposed to explaining problems singularly. This is done by the statistical process control, control limit, and confidence intervals.
Statistical process control (SPC) entails using random samples to assess and examine the differences in a process (Chase, 2006). Statistical quality control is about being able to improve the quality of a process which includes SPC, a variation decrease, process capacity breakdown, and a process enhancement plan. Statistical process control (SPC) is a way to monitor the process behavior procedures (Chase, 2006). The behavior that was monitored is getting out of the house on time. There is no possible way to get to bed early without finishing daily responsibilities and waking up earlier would cause sleep deprivation. So, bargaining with the times of waking up and going to bed is not an option. Hence, shortening the time getting ready in the morning will help the process of getting out of the house on time. The bottleneck to this process is doing everything the night before. This process will eliminate some of the wasted time.    
To explain how to get the outcome of the specific process under control or even improved, it is suggested that one should shorten the time getting reading in the morning process. If doing everything the night before will eliminate up to 25 minutes from the process. This process will consist of packing lunch and doing my daughter hair before I leave for the drive to work. Also, having an idea of what I am going to wear to work so, that there is no need for extra decisions in the morning. Taking control of these processes help eliminate up to 25 minutes per day.
Use the control limits to evaluate whether or not the variations are...