Journal of Industrial Psychology, 2001 27(3), 44-50 , Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 2001 27(3), 44-50 ,
¤ ANDRE GELDENHUYS ¤ DELENE VISSER ANNE CRAFFORD Program in Bedryfsielkunde Departement Menslikehulpbronbestuur RandseAfrikaanse Universiteit ABSTRACT
The e¡ective selection of competent provincial tra⁄c o⁄cers has become an urgent necessity for provincial governments. Due to a lack of relevant research on which selection decisions can be based, a study was conducted on a total of 206 respondents from the Free State Provincial Government to determine whether di¡erences exist between the personality pro¢les of successful and relatively unsuccessful provincial tra⁄c o⁄cers. No statistically signi¢cant di¡erences were found between the successful and unsuccessful groups on the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire.Various shortcomings of the study are discussed and recommendations for research suggested.
Die doeltre¡ende keuring van bekwame provinsiale verkeersbeamptes het dringend noodsaaklik geword vir provinsiale regerings. Vanwee« onvoldoende toepaslike navorsing waarop keuringsbesluite gebaseer kan word, is ’n ondersoek in die Vrystaatse Provinsiale Regering op 206 provinsiale verkeersbeamptes uitgevoer om te bepaal of daar verskille bestaan tussen die persoonlikheidspro¢ele van suksesvolle en relatief onsuksesvolle beamptes. Geen statisties beduidende verskille ten opsigte van die faktore van die 16 -Persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys is tussen die suksesvolle en onsuksesvolle groepe gevind nie.Verskeie beperkings van die ondersoek is bespreek en voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing is gemaak.
SYNOPSIS The maintenance of law and order on South African roads is crucial to ensure economic sustainability and to attract foreign investment.The task has however, become more complex due to various social factors while at the same time, provincial...