Project Unit

DH Associates Performance evidence record

NVQ Unit …………………………………………………………………………
Candidate Name …………………………………………………………………
Use this form to record details of activities( tick as appropriate) Evidence ref
Observed by assessor
Seen by expert witness
Seen by witness Unit Numbers
Self reflective account
Product Report
Knowledge statement

NB Your assessor may wish to ask you some questions relating to this activity. Ensure that they are recorded in the appropriate box overleaf. The person who observes/ witnesses your activity must sign and date overleaf.

|Unit       |AC             |                                                                                                   |
|543         |1.1           |The area I have identified for this project is quality improvements and development. I will be     |
|           |               |focusing on developing the current welcome book (service user manual) for vulnerable adults who are|
|           |               |starting the LEAP provision at WHS. The welcome pack is designed using written and picture format   |
|           |               |to help the individual understand and use the book easily. The welcome pack informs of staff that   |
|           |               |work at LEAP in both day and residential settings, it also provides the individual with sections to|
|           |               |inform us of likes, dislikes, favoured activities etc. but one area that it does not cover and has |
|           |               |been a suggestion by CQC as an area for future development is the choice of medical provision. When|
|           |               |a person starts at LEAP they are automatically enrolled into the local doctors nearest to the       |
|           |               |Provision. I intend to develop and provide choice and information on a variety of doctors surgery’s|
|           |               |within the local area. Providing choices and information in a way the individual will...