Promoting Children's Welfare

Health and Safety Discussion
• Current health and safety legislation and how they are implemented in the setting. Include manual Handling.

The main legislation in the work place is the Health and Safety at work act 1974
Employees are aware of this through training, there must be a poster displayed in a prominent place.   Manual handling is covered by: The manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, all training is directed by the Health and Safety officer in the workplace. The workplace has policies and procedures covering health and safety: these must be read on induction, and regular training is given.

• The lines of reporting and responsibility within the setting.

Everybody is responsible for health and safety in the workplace, the lines of reporting are:

• Systems for supporting children’s safety when:
• Receiving children or young people into residential or non residential settings.
National minimum Standards, Care plans, reports, fire plans and staff training
• Ensuring their safety on departure from residential or non residential settings.
Activity registers, risk assessments, staffing ratios min 3 CYP: 1 staff member and first aid training if needed.
• During off site visits.
Risk assessments of location/ venue, first aid kits/ medication taken with staff and vehicle checks if vehicle used.

• Requirements for space and staff ratios and the necessity for them.
Laid out in the National minimum standards and The Education (school premises) regulations 1999.

• How children’s and young people’s health and well being is promoted in the setting.
Care plan, planning with the CYP, healthy choices provided, key workers and recording & reporting (daily diaries)

• How health and safety is monitored including risk assessments.
Everyone has a responsibility for health and safety, overseen by the appointed health and safety officer.

• How people are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely.