The following table describes five situations in which a person reacts to stress in an unhealthy manner. For each:
a. identify the stressor(s).
b. briefly explain why the person's reaction is an unhealthy choice.
c. briefly describe one healthy alternative way of reacting and why you consider this approach a healthy choice.
d. identify two possible moderators of stress for this situation.
|Situation |Source(s) of Stress|Unhealthy Reaction|Healthy Reaction |Two Possible Moderators |
| | | | |of Stress |
|Every morning as she prepares for her |Pain and Discomfort|Headaches |Allow for adequate |Carpool, develop coping |
|two-hour drive to work, Carole gets a | | |time to prepare for |skills to ease the stress|
|headache. | | |work and get more | |
| | | |rest at night | |
|Jim hates attending meetings at which he |Acculturative |Lack of physical |Control anxiety with|Learn relaxing breathing |
|might be asked a question. His hands begin to|Stress |control |medication |techniques, think more |
|shake at the thought of not having the right | | | |positively |
|answer. | | | | |
|Lori's stomach hurts constantly. Lori was |Life Changes |Stomach Pain |Learn coping skills |Find a support group, |
|married eight months ago, is expecting her |...