Psychology of Sports

Judy Felner

Psychology of Sport


  * Define the PST (Motivation).

- Motivation in its simplest definition can mean the direction and intensity of one’s efforts. Motivation can be broken down into three different types. Type one is Intrinsic Motivation and type two is Extrinsic Motivation and type three is Amotivation. Intrinsic motivation deals with the feeling of trying to better oneself internally and those who try to master a task. Extrinsic motivation deals with receiving tangible awards for your efforts such as a medals, trophies, ribbons, money, and jackets. Amotivation is when the person is neither intrinsically or extrinsically involved. They lack the intention of engagement and they have the feelings of incompetence and lack of connection between their behavior and the expected outcome. They show signs of helplessness and often need counseling.  

2) What sport psychological problem does the athlete experience if he/she is in need of this PST training and Why?
- Signs that the athlete in question need motivation training are:
-   A lack of desire to practice like they normally do.
-   Less than 100% effort in training.
-   Skipping or shortening training.
-   Effort that is inconsistent to their goals.

-The reason motivation is important is that it is the only contributor to sports performance over which you have control. There are three things that affect how well you perform. The first thing is your ability. Which is something you are born with, you can't change your ability so it is outside of your control. The second thing is the difficulty of the competition influences performance. Contributors to difficulty include the ability of the opponent and outside factors. You have no control over these factors. Thirdly, motivation will impact performance. It will help how well you play during the game. It’s the only factor over which you have control. Motivation will directly impact the level of success that you...