Directions: Locate two resources on the Internet that explain meditation techniques.
• Enter the name of each website into the matrix, then copy and paste the web address.
• After reviewing the website, provide a brief summary for each source.
• Below your summary, list two interesting facts you learned from each site.
• Try the techniques you located in your Internet search. Provide a brief description of what happened in your experience.
When you are finished filling out the matrix, answer the two questions below.
|Information |Website 1 |Website 2 |
|Website name and | ||
|address (URL): | |n.htm |
|Summary of the |This website is pretty much offering you the sense of |This site gives you a couple different ways of learning |
|resource: |security and awareness when you use this meditation |how to meditate. One of the ones that caught my interest |
| |technique. It gives you tips on how to go about this |was he Altered state of consciousness. |
| |technique and how it can be beneficial. | |
|Two interesting |“The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the |“Meditation increases brain activity in an area of the |
|facts: |ancient Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India.” |brain associated with happiness and positive thoughts and|
| | |emotions.”...