University of Phoenix
Introduction to Behavioral Science
Julie Bruno
June 12, 2015
Psychotherapy is a psychological technique that has the ability to bring about positive changes in behaviors, personal adjustments, and in personality (Coon & Mitterer, 2013). There are many different approaches and techniques that therapist utilize to help an individual make positive changes within their life in order to lead productive and healthy lives.
Cognitive therapy is one that focuses on giving the client the necessary tools to help change thinking patterns, belief structures, and attitudes. Cognitive therapists provide a client with the ability to examine their actions, reactions, and to adjust thinking patterns in a positive direction. Therapists utilizing this form of therapy will aim to help the client change maladaptive thinking processes into constructive and adaptive processes (Coon & Mitterer, 2013). When a client has the ability to recognize destructive behaviors and thinking patterns, they are ability to make the necessary corrections in order to keep from repeating harmful patterns.
Existence therapy concentrates the focus on problems of existence. The concentration is primarily focused on meaning, choices, and responsibility. Existence therapy is a promoter of self-knowledge with emphasis on the ability to make choices through free will. This therapy is used in the treatment of depression to help the individual identify and address the feelings of hopelessness and despair. Existence therapy is successful when an individual gains a renewed sense of purpose and regains the ability to have hope. It has been said that some of the clients that have undergone existence therapy experience an emotional rebirth (Coon & Mitterer, 2013).
Carter & Seifert (2013) informs us, “Biomedical therapies are a family of therapies that use surgery, medication, or other psychological interventions for the treatment of...