Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/ future learners. Identify other points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners.
Inclusion in the classroom can be created by
Partnering different abilities of learners so learners can learn from each other and all have a chance to work with each other.
Forming groups and varying the learners chosen to form those groups
When answers are to be given through a spokesperson of the group, nominating different learner each time or asking each member of the group to give an answer
Asking learners to be respectful of others opinions
Encourage learners to ask questions of the teacher and each other
Respecting when someone is speaking by not interrupting
By using language that doesn’t discriminate, resources that reflect the diversity of the group and that are adaptable to meet the needs of the learners. Use constant assessment methods to give equal opportunity to all the learners and at the end of the course give the learners the option to evaluate the course.
All learners will bring different skills, experiences etc to the course. Completing an individual learning plan for all learners gives scope for making any possible adjustments to the course or classroom environment, referring students for internal or external help and support where required.
Implementing equality and diversity in the learning environment creates a happy and rewarding learning experience where learners will finish the course with the confidence and qualifications to proceed into life, work or education.
Petty G. (2004) Teaching Today 3rd edition Cheltenham Nelson Thornes
Reece R. Walker S. (1997) Teaching Training and Learning a Practical Guide 3rd edition Tyne and Wear Business Education Publisher Limited
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