Task 4 – State the different assessment methods available and explain the ones you would use for your subject area, including reference to initial assessment. State the type of assessment records you would complete and why.
Assessment is an important part of the teaching cycle as it helps the tutor to measure the effectiveness of delivery and also the knowledge or skills retention of the student. There are many ways in which assessment can be carried out including:-
• Problem Solving
• Essay Writing
• Practical Exercises
• Oral Tests
• Observation and Discussion
• Open Book Text
• Short Answer Items
• Presentations
• Peer Group Critiques
• Assignments
At the beginning of the teaching process a tutor may want to carry out an initial assessment, this will help in understanding the current ability of a potential student, it may highlight weak areas of knowledge or special needs of a particular student and will give a tutor valuable insight into the overall abilities of a group and any specific development or support needs.
My particular subject area is generally very practical in style and therefore not all assessment methods would be suitable. In a practical situation the following assessment methods would be preferred:-
• Problem Solving
• Practical Exercises
• Observation and Discussion
• Presentations
Each of these methods will be discussed on their own merit.
1 – Problem Solving
This presents a very honest way of understanding the ability of a student or group of students and the knowledge and understanding gained. For example asking a student to think of ways to overcome perceived obstacles during the task will often cause the real extent of their ability to be evident and therefore effectively assessed. Assessment can take the form of individual work sheets, observation sheets and feedback forms to help in the assessment process and keeping...