Q.4. – Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin behaviour and respect for others.
When a tutor or indeed a learner first comes into a class they are looking to set the dynamic of the structure and their surroundings for the remainder of the course. For the learners, it may partly be with whom they feel comfortable sitting with, or whether they prefer the front or back of a classroom. For the tutor it may be getting to know the individual personalities in their class and how best to approach their learning style to achieve the most efficient learning curve possible for that particular member of the class.
A fundamental start to any course/session is the need to set ground rules which both the tutor and the learners will be bound by for the subsequent duration of the course as a whole. This allows the base line for both respect and behaviour that is acceptable to both me as the tutor and my students as the learners.
All students will have different levels of acceptance and tolerances when it comes to behaviour and respect for others. What may be perfectly normal or acceptable behaviour per one individual could have a devastating effect on another. Establishing ground rules is therefore essential for a controlled and effective learning environment which will then allow the students their right to learn and work through the aims and objectives for each assignment/subject as they arise.
There are plenty of basic ground rules and ways to implement them, which can then be amended or adjusted to suit the age and level of the learners that are being pitched to in a class environment.
“Before you create ground rules, explain their purpose and the reason you have chosen to create them as a group rather than simply stipulating them yourself”
By telling my students why I am giving them the opportunity to come up with rules...