Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/future learners. Identify other points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners.
200-300 words
Make sure you address the question and the assessment criteria (p 8)
Name: Date: 16/03/2009 Word count: 596
The inclusion of my learners starts with me gaining knowledge on an individual from the application form and ILP where all the details of the learners’ abilities, experience, past experience and learning needs will be shown. This will enable appropriate planning for –
Physical needs – wheelchair, poor eye / ear senses. Make sure that seating arrangements are in place if a candidate has hearing difficulties; check environment is suitable for wheelchair access. Contacting the learner and visiting the environment will ensure that the needs are appropriately met. As part of the qualification the learner is required to be observed in their work setting; this could be a boundary if the learner needed wheelchair access and the setting was inaccessible.
Learning needs – plan and prepare appropriate work / tasks for all abilities. The ILP allows the learner to explain their learning needs and support required. Literacy difficulties may require work that is simplified to a level that allows the learner to understand and achieve – simple vocabulary, bullet points rather than large texts, all note taking required is written on handouts, pictures, audio. Knowledge of the learner will help with the planning of appropriate teaching styles, resources and support.
Assessing progress and achievement throughout the course will provide accurate information for evaluation of the resources and teaching styles used and provide information to modify the work suitably to the individual needs. Giving regular feedback- positive and constructive will support the candidate and maintain confidence in their ability in achieving the...