Identify the key aspects of current Legislative Requirements and Codes of Practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you would like to work.
There are two areas concerned here. The first are the legislative requirements in regards to carrying out First Aid Training. The Trainer must have completed a relevant First Aid Instructor’s Course which is recognised by the HSE. This must be provided by a centre that has been accredited by the HSE for certification and registration purposes. The Trainer would also have to complete some form of training qualification such as C&G 7303 or the CIEH Professional Trainer Certificate to allow them to deliver HSE recognised First Aid courses to the adult sector.
The second is the legislation that governs the amount of First Aid Trained personnel that an organisation or business must have by law. The minimum first aid provision for any work site is a first aid box and an appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements. Further arrangements vary depending on type of work and numbers of employees but as a comparative example, a low risk environment ie a shop, with fewer than 50 employees must have at least one appointed person. A high risk environment ie a construction site, with 5 – 50 employees must have at least one appointed person and/or one first aider. An employee must also inform all employees of all first aid arrangements within the organisation. Any guidance should be taken from The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and other Codes of Practice and Guidance publications by the HSE.