State the different assessment methods available and explain the ones you would use for your subject area, including reference to initial assessment. State the types of assessment records you would complete and explain why.
Initial assessments are completed by learners to ascertain individual’s motivation in enrolling, prior knowledge/experience, preferred learning methods, goals and expectations.
Plus health questionnaires disclosing any on-going health issues or disabilities that require assistance or adaptations.
Diagnostic Assessments have been developed to identify the precise literacy/numeracy and ICT strengths and weaknesses of individual learners who need to improve/acquire Literacy/Communication and/or Numeracy/skills.
I would use this in my teaching as it provides valuable information about my learners prior to starting learning.
It will enable me to provide the correct support for my learners and ensure that if there is a need for referral I have all the information needed to help, also if there are any medical issues that arise from the initial assessments we can talk about theses and find ways to deal with the issue.
Having assessed prior knowledge, on-going formative assessment would ensure that learners show progressive understanding of the learning objectives set for each session. On-going assessment methods that I would use would be observation of practical activities and/or group exercises; cumulative project or coursework to form a final portfolio or essays, extension work and learning journals; all of which provide feedback on learners’ performance and diagnose strengths and weaknesses. On-going forms of assessment along with tutorials to discuss progress, boost confidence, motivate and reassure learners that their understanding of the subject matter is heading in the right direction.
Summative assessment can be set by you or an awarding/examination body.
Making a summative decision allows you to confirm your learner has met the...