Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/future learners. Identify other points of referral to meet the potential needs of learners.
It is important that learning is available to everyone; inclusion means that learning includes those of all abilities, whatever difficulties or disabilities he/she may have. Equality which is the rights of learners regardless of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation or age. Finally diversity welcomes people of all backgrounds and faiths.
The Disability Equality Duty came into force on the 4th December 2006 this requires all public authorities, buildings, schools, colleges and universities to have adequate procedures so everyone is treated as equals. The disability support staff within the your department can provide advice for you and your students about your sessions, talk to disabled students about what is best for them; check out the accessibility and facilities of the teaching rooms.
Teachers should plan their session to take into account different individual learning needs, by including all three above mentioned areas, if the teachers know their students, when planning a session It would be an advantage, to know your students needs in advance, for example, your student’s age range, ability levels and background should be taken into consideration to promote equality and diversity.
To ensure Inclusive learning the teacher can use various means to involve the entire class, such as audio and visual equipment, handouts, Power Point Presentations
and the library which can be an area of great resources.
In conclusion there may be various points of referral in your environment, such as advisers and maybe the Chaplaincy,