
Kathryn Vigna
London City Business School
September 2010

The role of a teacher, although defined differently by every school, college and university remain unchanged throughout history: to share information, knowledge and values with students.   While the role of the teacher is to write objectives, goals and outcomes for every student, it is the role of the student in most western schools to be responsible for absorbing and understanding the information given to them by teachers.   (Dow et al, 2010)   Although the role of the teacher is to set and meet learning objectives, their responsibilities differ greatly by situation.   For example, the responsibilities of a primary school teacher may include looking after the basic needs of students, such as using the toilet, etc. whereas a college lecturer would not have these responsibilities.   One main responsibility of teachers that differs from 9-5 office jobs is attendance.   Teachers must be present in class in order for things to proceed; therefore, teacher absence is usually frowned upon and highly unusual during school term.   Illness is usually the obvious exception to this responsibility, but in some cases, lesson plans must be left for a supply or replacement teacher to carry on the day’s lessons.   It is the responsibility of the teacher to have class registers, seating charts, school information and back-up lesson plans available for supply teachers in the case of an unplanned absence.   While teachers have many responsibilities both in and out of the classroom, there are also certain boundaries a teacher must uphold to maintain the respect of the students.   The most obvious boundary is to maintain a professional distance from students, keeping the teacher-student ‘relationship’ in the classroom only.   While it is common, especially with social networking sites, mobile phones and email to have contact with students outside of school, it is imperative that the teacher maintains a...