It is the entitlement of all learners to access a broad and balanced curriculum
including the National Curriculum, as stated in the SEN and Disability Act 2001.
However, some pupils may at times pose a risk of harm to themselves and/or
Each learning environment should assess the risks involved, then take effective measures
either to remove the hazard or reduce the risk.
The purpose of formulating a risk assessment is to ensure, as far as reasonably
practicable, a safe learning environment, where staff are appropriately trained.
What is a safe learning environment?
It is one in which…
• There is secure and safe access to movement around and exit
from premises.
• There is a learning environment which is both emotionally and
physically healthy.
• There are arrangements for safe use, handling, storage and
transport of equipment.
• There are arrangements for safe physical interventions with pupils.
Risk assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people
so that decisions can be made about what is reasonably practicable to reduce
or prevent
A Risk Assessment Procedure:
Establish the venues current Risk assessment and Health and Safety policy
Use the current policy as a check list
• Think of possible hazards. A hazard is anything that has the potential to
cause harm
• Decide who might be affected and how.
• Evaluate the level of risk and consider preventive measures. Risk is the
likelihood of a hazard causing harm.
• Discuss with school staff/parents/carers/and child as appropriate.
• Formulate into a written plan.
• Put measures into practice.
• Review and revise as necessary
“The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 does not require responsible bodies to
place employees or pupils at inappropriate risk if a health and safety...