
Assignment 3

L3: Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/future learners. Identify other points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners.

To answer this question one would have to first define the terms ‘inclusion, equality and diversity. According to Ann Gravells inclusivity is “involving all learners in relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly of indirectly”   Gravells defines equality as “ the rights of learners to attend and participate, regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation and age. And finally Gravells definition of diversity is “valuing the differences in people, whether that relates to gender, race, age, disability or any other individual characteristics they may have”. ( Gravells, A., 2008, pg. 18).
The Government defined inclusion in 2001 as“ a process by which schools, local education authorities and others develop their cultures, policies and practices to include pupils”(

The essence of the definitions of all three terms is acceptance it implies that the objective of teaching is to impart the knowledge and to assist the entire group in achieving their educational goals regardless of their background. As a teacher I must ensure that I do not allow anyone to feel marginalised or show favouritism and know that everyone is an individual with various abilities, needs, background and experiences and that all learners have the right to be treated with respect and dignity .

Inclusion is about involving my learners in relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly or indirectly during the NVQ training. In the assessing of NVQ it is very paramount that a skills scan is carried out to know the relevant units that will suit the learners based on their sphere of activities at work. In the process there is likelihood that amongst 10 learners who work...