
Embedding Functional Skills

Functional skills are those core elements of English, Mathematics and ICT that provide individuals with the skills and abilities they need to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life, their communities and work.

Individuals possessing these skills are able to progress in education, training and employment and make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live and work.

My job role is of an assessor whereby I go to settings to visit learners assessing them in their practice, which is child care.
There are ways in which I can embed functional skills currently in English, Math’s and ICT.

English and ICT

English means speaking, listening, reading, writing and communicating in a range of contexts. I talk to my learners on a regular basis, and they communicate back with me, through discussions verbally, or writing statements and answering questions. The learners have to read question packs and understand them to answer in a written, spoken or other format, such as ICT. I observe the learners communicating with children and other adults. I set written tasks in which learners need to read and understand and question if they have any problems, this is then discussed between myself and the learner, who shows active listening and communicates verbally with me. This can also link into ICT as learners can communicate with me via email, text message or they can use Microsoft Software to type up answers and statements on themselves. In the setting learners will produce Newsletters, letters and leaflets of relevant information, which go out to parents/carers.


Math’s is implemented in the child care setting when learners carry out registers on the children, staff to child ratios, record keeping of accidents/absentees in staff, invoices, fees and wages and also measurements can be used when measuring the size of a room to ensure that there is enough room for all children. Room measurements are...